Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter Is Wordcrack

I enjoy reading a lot, maybe not as much as the Word Baron, but still. One of my favorite authors from my childhood is Roald Dahl, who wrote "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and a bunch of other rad stuff. One of my personal favorites is "The BFG." In it, a giant eared giant acts as a sort of Sandman, collecting dreams and distributing them to kids at night. One of the bottled dreams is about an author who writes a book so good that anyone who begins it cannot put it down until they have finished it. Society effectively grinds to a halt as everyone tries to spend all day reading and driving/teaching/playing football at the same time. I always felt that this was, out of all the dreams that appear in the book, probably the best.

I think J.K. Rowlings got that dream. Because I could not do anything until I finished Book 7. I even (for a second) tried to read while driving. Haha, only kidding...Perhaps it's just the cumulative effect of delayed gratification for an ending over a decade long in the making, or maybe it's a terrifying clue into the true power of marketing, but frankly, Harry Potter was the only thing I really cared about from when I opened it till I closed it with a sigh.

And it was worth it. Really, really, worth it. It's a great book, and I think a fitting ending to a series that will likely be read hundreds of years from now, long after everyone has forgotten who Harold Bloom is (he's a dick). So congrads to Ms. Rowlings--she's inspired a lot of writing, which is something to be proud of, and brought a wonderful story into a world that is far better off for it.

That being said, that's mostly why i'm behind on the travelogues. Sorry, Mike!

Also: I think Transformers is eyecrack.


Mike Guardabascio said...

It's all good Dan!

And does this make you a wordcrack-whore? Or an eyecrack-whore?

Mike Guardabascio said...

PS harold bloom's brilliant even though he's a dick.

Mike Guardabascio said...

pps just sayin