Tuesday, July 17, 2007

This is a has a lot of things you want to know in it. For Reals.

Here are some things you wanted to know, and their answers:

She doesn't.

He thinks you should, but won't say.

Don't even think about it.

That's your responsibility, not his.

Sorry if you don't like it, but that's how it is! Anyways....

Hi there! I'm back from Europe. It was a good trip, top to bottom. Kirk and I took something like 800 pictures, drank and fought and laughed a lot. But that's for later. During this trip (which was by bus) I had lots of time to think, which was nice, but not to write, which wasn't so great. But: I have decided what I want to do with this blog (with other stuff too, just that it's not relevant here). I haven't posted much because I feel like something has to be of a certain level of quality for it to be public, which this blog is. However, that's a high standard. So instead, I'm just going to post things as I write them and then edit them the next day or so. I'm putting this in the about section because there is now a bit of a flood of things to be posted and you might not have believed the title of this blog.

Here is the scoop:

I need a place vent more publicly, and this blog is it. I think you'll like it, but still, I feel that I should warn you. Also, leave comments on people's posts. Not just mine, but everyone's! They are are nice to read.
